Today in class we learned what mono chromatic photos. We chose a color and went around the school looking for objects of that color to take photos of. I chose the color green because I thought it would be easy considering our school colors.
This week in class we learned about the rules of composition. We were taught about how to execute each rule in a photograph. I chose to do my 25 photos on the leading line rule, I then edited them on Photoshop.
This week in class we focused on forcing the viewer to look at the photo from a different perspective. I struggled with this greatly, I found it very hard to think of new ideas for photos. I also found it difficult to manually change the camera settings, for example the aperture. I learned a lot and very much enjoyed the creative aspect of this project.
These are Photo Journal pictures that I took at home, because of the corona virus. From these photos I learned that even the simplest photos can have a story behind them.